
Online Course

Original price was: £739.Current price is: £367.

Sustainable: Lifetime access to video platform and digital products

Community: we highly recommend you do the course with a friend, or “MAD mate” for accountability.
Who is it for: a committed person, a person who prefers to learn by visuals, by watching videos or listening who might wish to share the coaching experience with a friend.

Studies show that happiness is a habit you can learn. We define Hapits as Learning lifelong happy habits.

The good news is anyone can learn to disrupt their bad behaviours so they cope better and hope
more. Anyone can learn new hapits®.  On this course you will learn a dozen skills of happiness
12 life skills over 100 days. These skills are are acronym UR HAPPINESS. Because no one size fits all.

The 12 skills are like 12 modules, see below:


UR values verified When you live UR life with meaning it feels rewarding. You feel fully alive! When you act out UR values every day others’ opinions are less powerful. The peer pressure or shoulds of society lessen when you live authentically. You will find the sweet spot where UR purpose and UR paycheck meet, where UR conscience and what you crave collide. When you stop people-pleasing and verify UR values, you find the right direction to go. UR own voice is stronger and daily decisions are easier. Each day you work towards leaving a positive legacy by living according to UR values. There may be times you go down the wrong path and you’re not in sync with UR values. Awareness of this at different crossroads in UR life will help you to restart and realign. By imagining UR values lived, you connect to UR authentic self.

Relationship Reciprocity People matter, it’s that simple. People with good relationships are happier, healthier and live longer. Prioritize other people every day and you will reap the benefits through stronger relationships, greater wellbeing and better coping. In a good relationship, the balance is tipped in favour of positive interactions. For every negative exchange there needs to be five positive communications. You nurture UR relationships by focusing on what is going right, appreciating others’ strengths, forgiving shortcomings easily, sharing emotions, apologizing properly and increasing compassion through respecting differences and accepting others’ perspectives.

Head Peace When you become aware of UR thinking traps, you reduce their control over UR mind. You learn to see thinking traps for what they are, UR mind stories as opposed to reality. When you learn to see the bigger picture of life, you don’t get lost in a downward spiral of emotions and negative behaviours. You will learn to pause and respond rather than react. You accept all UR thoughts rather than distracting UR self from them with UR phone or device. With practice, you decrease UR negative self-talk so you become comfortable with sitting in silence alone. You build self-acceptance and learn to change UR narrative. You will give UR head peace.

Awareness Rich When you learn to stop and smell UR coffee, hear the music and dethrone UR phone, you will be able to access the most important updates, which are often within you. Through quietness and stillness, you will increase your awareness of UR thoughts, emotions and triggers. You will regain control of you. You will hear the helpful signals UR body gives you. You will accept yourself as you are. You will learn to pause and respond rather than react. You will build patience and self-love. You will be less distracted, more contented and centred in the NOW. You will choose to protect UR self from the needless negativity online and with family, friends and work. You’ll start to crave this rich, alone time to just be you, because when you are wholly present, you connect to the best bits and beats of UR life.

Purposeful Living Goal setting oozes hope. When you map out UR journey, you show you believe in UR positive FUTR. Planning a complete life means you won’t just flourish in one life area whilst languishing in another. By connecting to UR instincts and UR strengths, UR success will sync with your real purpose. Matching UR purpose with what UR community needs now, means we all win. Celebrating UR small wins is energizing and confidence giving.

Persist Positively Learned optimism, seeing UR self and UR situation in the best possible way, leads to resilience and longevity. Yes! Anyone can learn to practise optimism. Noticing the good will propel you forward much faster than problem-solving alone. A big part of achievement is motivation and yet action itself is what creates motivation. When you cultivate a growth mindset (The belief that a person’s capacities and talents can be improved over time.) And connect with role models and supportive people, you avoid burn out. This leads to increased confidence and self-belief so you set better boundaries with family, friends and work. You can say no thank you and proceed at UR own pace.

In UR Zone Rediscovering when you are in UR zone means you can time travel! Yes when you are in UR zone you are so immersed in the activity that you lose all sense of time. When you are in UR zone you feel switched on, engaged, completely absorbed and joyful in the moment. Finding UR passion is actually about noticing when you are in UR zone. Hobbies are a great way to realize this. When you learn how to get in UR zone, work or study doesn’t feel like toil and tedium. Instead you feel energetically focused. Of course you still must take action but it feels easy rather than exhausting, and delicious rather than depleting. You can go deep and disconnect from distractions like UR phone and UR worries. When you are in UR zone the effort you expend is energizing, rather than draining. This is so freeing.

Now Coping Noticing and absorbing the good stuff stimulates UR neuroplasticity*. UR brain will learn to seek out the positives, even in a crisis. By practising optimism and altruism you cultivate an upward spiral. You broaden UR perspective and build more positive connections. You use less energy putting out fires, real and imagined. Instead of scarcity and shortcomings you see opportunity in UR adversity. You face UR disaster with less drama and more action. Abundance abounds. * Neuroplasticity is where UR brain grows new neural pathways in response to UR actions and experiences. This happens no matter what age you are.

Emotionally Flexible When you are emotionally flexible, you accept both negative and positive emotions. You feel comfortable with UR feelings of anger or love, grief or pride. Once you notice where in UR body you feel emotion, you can begin to notice and accept UR emotional triggers during UR day. Therefore, you can choose to express UR feelings to others. This strengthens UR relationship reciprocity. You understand that UR emotions are like data. They provide valuable feedback that guides you. When you journalize about intense emotions and difficult experiences, you increase UR immune function and overall health and improve UR resilience. Writing about UR positive emotions reinforces connection to others

Strengths Sight Every day some things come easier to you than to others. Every day you are a natural at certain things, so much so that you presume everyone can do these things easily. Not so, these are your strengths shining through and they are actually unique to you. UR strengths are what you do best AND love to do. Strengths are the unique gifts and original abilities which everyone has. When you use UR your strengths daily, you actively shift UR perspective to what’s strong instead of focusing on what’s wrong so you feel energized and woo-hoo! You get a buzz from what you are doing. When you rediscover and nurture UR strengths you are motivated to learn more, master skills, connect with others, achieve goals and UR self-confidence increases. Calling out others’ strengths, creates deeper, more authentic relationships.

Self-kind Savvy When you prioritize UR self, sleep, nature time and break time, you feel happier. By practising self-love, you will be more empathetic and compassionate to others. Deliberately creating savouring rituals, heightens UR ability to stop, notice, enjoy and prolong everyday positive experiences. Savouring the NOW is also a powerful way to become aware of how UR mind is often living in the FUTR. When you actively cultivate compassion for UR self and others, UR positive emotions increase. When you cultivate quietness, you create a feeling of calmness and safety. As you release tensions, you’ll fall asleep easier. This is the antidote to the ongoing to-do list in UR head. Being in green spaces decreases UR cholesterol levels and reduces UR stress. Nature has been scientifically proven to put UR mind at ease and increase UR quality of life.

Set UR Self Up When you balance doing and being with these mini-practices, you set UR self up for success. Writing brings order and enables better understanding and acceptance of both the past and NOW. When you journalize, you reframe information in UR own words, which facilitates learning. The physical act of writing stimulates cells at the base of UR brain, so UR brain pays more attention to what you’re doing in the moment. You create a distance between the thoughts whirling in UR mind and the words on the page. Writing about UR strengths reinforces UR optimism. When you tune into MyFi, you gain insight into the pattern of UR thoughts. When you dethrone UR phone and quietize, you learn detachment from UR thoughts.